First Aid and CPR for Snow Travelers with Train NEK

Winter in Westmore, Vermont

Please see our COVID update.

Cooler temperatures and the desire to travel light, combined with the potential for long falls or high-speed collisions, bring a whole host of potential injuries to Vermont’s snow travelers. Gain or refresh the skills you need to prevent, recognize and treat emergencies and injuries common to skiers, snowshoers and snowmobilers. Results in SOLO First Aid and CPR certifications. The best gift for any snow lovers you love!

Upcoming Dates (Courses crossed out below have filled.)

Thanks for a great season! The 2023 Schedule will go out in December.


SAVE MONEY! MAIL A NOTE WITH COURSE TITLE and START DATE, STUDENT NAME, EMAIL and PHONE # AND A CHECK FOR $120 TO TRAIN NEK, PO BOX 132, PEACHAM, VT 05862. (We’ll email confirmation when your check is received.)


PAY BY CREDIT CARD ONLINE (additional EVENTBRITE fee applies) BY CLICKING ON THE LINK BELOW. NOTE: Eventbrite may or may not refund their additional fees if you have to cancel; we recommend sending a check if your plans are uncertain. Also, please check your email Spam folder for the Eventbrite receipt!

EVENTBRITE LINK FOR Wednesday, January 11, 2023

First Aid for Snow Travelers – There’s nothing quite so exhilarating as swooshing across the snow! But what do you do when you can suddenly no longer swoosh? Cooler temperatures and the desire to travel light, combined with the potential for long falls or high-speed collisions, bring a whole host of potential injuries to Vermont’s snow travelers. Gain or refresh the skills you need to prevent, recognize and treat emergencies and injuries common to skiers, snowshoers and snowmobilers. Results in SOLO First Aid and CPR certifications. The best gift for any snow lovers you love!

What is Taught? In this eight-hour course, we’ll address risk management, patient assessment, recognition and handling of life threats, prevention and treatment of environmental and soft tissue injuries, and recognition and stabilization of musculoskeletal injuries until further help arrives. Scenarios will be realistic for the environment, and we’ll spend time discussing the layering system and practicing hypowraps and other lifesaving cold weather tricks. You’ll gain an understanding and appreciation of cardiovascular risk factors, the importance of early recognition and action in the case of cardiac emergency, and specifics on how your efforts translate in a rural environment. You’ll also build muscle memory around how to intervene in instances of choking, stroke, and respiratory arrest, and will learn why and how to use an AED.

Who is This For? This course is perfect for active individuals who sled, ski, snowmobile, ride fat bikes, etc and who generally recreate within one hour from definitive care*.

What is Included? Cost of $120 includes engaging and personalized instruction, SOLO First Aid and CPR certification fees, and training materials.

What Should I Bring? Students are asked to wear clothing appropriate for being active and outside much of the day, in all but extreme weather, kneeling on the floor and ground to practice helping patients during scenarios. Please also bring a bag lunch and water for yourself, plus extra clothing to use for warming up your patients!

*Please Note: We recommend that individuals who regularly travel more than one hour from definitive care take a Wilderness First Aid or Wilderness First Responder course instead, to learn about longer term assessment and interventions. (Definitive care for our purposes is generally defined as the ambulance or hospital.)

© Train NEK Wilderness Medicine 2020