Wilderness First Responder Course Packing List

Your course, in truth, begins BEFORE you arrive! It begins with you tracking down and packing the below things outdoor professionals use to treat patients in the backcountry. There are no fashion points. We encourage you to borrow items or check out secondhand stores for any items you’re missing, and the course will cover why these things are needed, but please trust us: It is important that you and your working partner have everything on this list to be successful in class.

Your Train NEK course consists of different learning environments, all outdoors:

Lectures where you’ll be sitting in a chair in our outdoor classroom.

Practical Sessions and Scenarios where you’ll be kneeling and rolling around on wet, muddy, rocky ground in all but extreme weather conditions, pretending to be hurt and practicing your rescue skills.

Mock Rescue: At some point toward the end of the WFR class you might be traveling / hiking as a group to perform a mock patient rescue.

It’s Vermont! Expect a mix of bright sun, strong winds, rain, hail and/or snow. The more prepared you are to stay warm and comfortable, the more you’ll get out of the course.

Long Trail Blaze



Please bring the below items to class in any weather to practice warming and otherwise treating patients. These supplement the clothing and other items you need for yourself. For ex. if you don’t want to get your sleeping bag wet because you’ll be camping, bring an additional one. Again, yard sales and second hand stores are great for these.

Trust us, we don’t care what your socks / fingernails / feet look like! But some people appreciate a heads up that we will be checking each others’ extremities on a daily basis as part of performing patient exams.

Optional But Useful Additional Items

First aid kit, sunglasses, sunscreen, bug repellent, and ball cap.

© Train NEK | Wilderness Medicine 2020